Debt Collection United States - Cedar Financial

Debt Collection United States

A Trusted Recovery Solution in the United States

US debt collection can be challenging, especially for organizations not familiar with the many strict federal and state laws, such as the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). Having a local US collection agency on your side is key for success.

Headquartered in California, Cedar Financial is licensed to collect consumer and commercial debt in all 50 U.S. states and has been helping businesses, schools and municipalities succeed since 1991.

As an accredited member of ACA International and International Association of Commercial Collectors, we adhere to some of the highest ethical, compliance and professional standards in the industry. We’re also one of the few agencies that has earned an “A” rating with the Better Business Bureau.

Combining experience and best-in-class collection technology, we provide custom accounts receivable management (ARM) solutions for a variety of industries, including MedicalEducationGovernmentE-Commerce and more. We quickly resolve disputes and work with your debtor towards an amicable resolution to their debt.

If your US debtor still won’t pay, we offer low-cost legal options and access to our vetted network of top US debt collection attorneys in every state and province in North America.

Collect More with Our People-First Approach 

Abusive US debt collection practices can create negative PR that hurts your business.

At Cedar Financial, we put people first, doing everything in our power to collect your money, while maintaining a good relationship with your customers. We protect your reputation at every step of the process, using a fair, but firm approach for more positive payment outcomes.

Start recovering more funds in the US – request a free quote today.

Frequently asked questions for United States

We are a USA debt collection agency licensed and accredited to collect in all 50 U.S. states. With over 30 years of US debt collection experience, we adhere to all local, state and federal laws, including the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDPCA), using a fair, but firm approach for faster recovery of your funds.   

For pre-legal services, we work on a “no collection – no fee” basis, so you will only pay when your funds are recovered. For legal services, we offer low-cost options.  

We have no minimum value or volume that is required to place accounts for debt collection in America. 

We service consumer and commercial debts, large or small, across many industries. 

It varies. Factors such as the age of the account and the type of debt being collected must be taken into account, along with the specific circumstances of the claim. Because we know timely results are important to you, we guarantee an update on your claim within 30 days.

Once we receive your accounts and the proper documents to validate the claim, our representatives will begin by skip tracing the accounts to locate the debtor. We will then immediately start working the account via phone and mail and issue a written demand notice allowing 30 days for debt validation as required by the FDCPA. 

The statute of limitations varies depending on state laws.

If your debtor is unresponsive to letters and phone calls, we provide on-the-ground field services as local laws allow for investigation, skip tracing, in-person visits at your debtor’s residence, asset searches, and more.  

Yes, we must be able to validate the debt before we can begin the US debt collection process. Validation documents include, but are not limited to, contractual agreements between you and the consumer, a bill or invoices for exchanged goods or services or legal court judgment documents.

Yes. In the event all amicable efforts are exhausted, our in-house legal team will conduct a thorough review of the file to determine collectability in litigation. If the file qualifies and you approve, we will work with the local attorney in your debtor’s jurisdiction to file suit and pursue the claim, including asset searches, arbitration, trial representation, obtainment of a judgment and post-judgment enforcement. 

Cedar Financial